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Old 11-17-2010, 06:31 AM   #281
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Originally Posted by Heretic View Post
I happen to actually BE an African American Goth
I chose not to read this entire thread cause it's just way too fucking long and redundant. I just wanted to comment on that particular part of your post. I get irked when black people call themselves "African American", because #1 white people came up with that condescending "nicety" and called it "politically correct" when the term itself embodies ignorance, and #2 when black people accept the term and actually USE it themselves... it's almost as if they're bowing down to whites. To be "black" is not to be "African" dude. Do you have any idea how many countries there are whose native people are originally black? Did you know that the majority of Africa is white? I can understand a white person being ignorant enough to say "all black people are originally from Africa" a little bit more than a black person saying that. Don't you have any self respect? Anyway, I just wanted to get that out there.
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