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Old 11-28-2010, 02:09 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by KontanKarite View Post
Well... you need access to shit, man and that's either science or lockpicking. I'm willing to bet that science is more beneficial in the long run.
It is. I'm playing it again and from the start I know that you want to get Science and Speech as high as possible as soon as possible.
I wanna play with energy weapons but it's hard as all you get in the beginning are conventional guns; anyone have any idea where I can find plasma early in the game?
Survival is essential in Hardcore mode and Medicine kind of, but they're very expendable in normal mode. Stick to speech, science, lockpick, a type of weapon, and bartering if you want to explore more of the game. Repair, just get it to 50 so you can make repair kits.

Also, Kontan, if you like the whole killing spree, you might want to try what I had to do:
[SPOILERS in black]At one point in the game it's inevitable that you have to go see Caesar, so don't get vilified by them after a representative calls you.
Unfortunately I was vilified so he wouldn't talk to me. I had to shoot him from the start. As far as the main game goes you get to talk with him, negotiate, deceive, or join him. But you can also get a clear shot and no one stops you. Blow his fucking brain out and prepare for the most intense (both to you and your CPU) fight ever. You have to kill every Legionnaire. Every. Single. One. Took me an hour and a half and like 30 stimpaks, but it was hella fun.
Originally Posted by KissMeDeadly
You fucking people [war veterans] are only a step below entitled rich kids, the only difference being you had to do and witness horrible things, instead of being given everything.
real classy
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