Thread: Nightwish
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Old 12-05-2010, 09:55 PM   #55
ape descendant
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Wow, this whole discussion is getting silly. Music is art, bands make music... so yeah.. its art.. and if a person does or doesn't like a band its due to artistic taste. Arguing that some one's art is shit because you don't like it, is childish and narrow minded...

Its one thing to think it's shitty... but another to completely lambast some one else for liking something you don't. Life would be pretty boring if we all did/said/liked/wore the same shit as every one else, so what the hell is the point of being shitty to some one who is just doing their own thing?

@ Noriette- I didn't mention Annette... but for the record, I'm not a fan of her style.

One thing I'd really like to know, is how one can make the call that a band is shallow across the board, is it that music can't move some one on more than one level or for more than one reason?

I enjoy listening to older Nightwish because it sparks my imagination and grows stories there. Art isn't always about what's on the surface, its not always about the words, sounds or pictures its made up of, some times a part of the piece is inside the person experiencing it. I am of the opinion that no piece is complete without and observer.

If liking a certain band, and saying so, wishing to discuss it with others who also enjoy the music makes me a shallow little girl, then that's ok, I don't mind.

Be Kind
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