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Old 12-23-2010, 12:51 PM   #850
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: On a subway train
Posts: 18

Once I dreamt of Avalon,
I'd heard the word, I know not when
It weaved a web inside my mind
And sprouted wings of rainbow hue

For years I wandered Avalon,
amongst the gollops and minarets
I hunted garvers with Evamere
And courted the fair Haaluven

I told my father of Avalon,
He said it was a myth of old
Populated by faerie folk, and
What I dreamt was counterfeit

That night I dreamt of Avalon,
With its will o' wisps and folk of fey
Though its land was marvelous,
Somehow it was not the same.

I searched and serached for Avalon,
The place I knew was mine alone
With ballobiels and mortersons
And Haaluven, my dearest love.

What I saw was no Avalon,
But a dismal, dying, dreadful place.
Its castles falling into mud and dust,
Amongst decayed stumps and rotten husks.

I cried and raged against this world,
Its spectrum melting into gray,
"You were false, a land of shams!
Who are you underneath your guise?"

Those still with ears could not reply,
Their tongues had fallen out to the ground,
with a plop to then disintegrate
Amongst teeth and skull and skin and bones

I fled this dark and dreary realm,
Running into empty space
A void where looking out to see
I saw nothing but myself within

And now when I close my eyes
I do not see Avalon,
Neither crumbled spires, nor grass of green
No visions span between dusk and dawn,
Only time, unfelt, as it passes me.
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