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Old 01-31-2011, 10:26 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia View Post
I agree with this. It is the problem with objectivism and libertarianism that most people are lazy and weak.
But most people AREN'T lazy or weak. Most people are common joe's who happen to work their jobs faithfully to make ends meet. This is a piss poor assumption on the Libertarian front. They fear these imaginary LAZY and WEAK people as if that's the norm. Honestly, these "social parasites" are very very rare and their numbers aren't big enough to hold such an extreme stance as Libertarianism.

Not everyone has ambition to "get to the top", but that doesn't mean they're lazy.

Despanan made a point that you ignored. It is patently impossible to be an island in society. Ophelia, you will never be self-made and there's nothing wrong with a society making sure that all of its constituents are taken care of in one way or another.

Jesus... you remind me of this guy I know named Phantomgrift. He is an idiot.
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