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Old 02-14-2011, 07:48 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Solumina View Post
Um…yeah. I was saying how black people's racism against whites can hurt black people.

Saya I get what you're saying, I just think that all forms of racism should be given equal footing when you are discussing them, to allow one form of racism because it isn't as bad or as harmful as other forms is hypocritical and disingenuous in a conversation that needs to be open and honest if any progress is to be made.

However, I believe things are more complex than just "all discrimination in all forms is equally bad no matter what". For example, I have more of a problem with the legacy of racism that has kept blacks at the bottom of the social food-chain for decades, than the rich white businessman who is upset because some black homeless guy called him "honky". I hope you're not one of those people, but believe it or not, people like that exist (just look at the Men's Rights Movement for gads of examples of clueless, over-privileged whining.)

Anyway, race is a very complicated topic. The example you gave of blacks being racist against educated blacks is more complicated than blacks just being prejudiced against whites and "white" behaviors. Why do blacks distrust whites? Maybe it's because of the century+ of slavery and institutionalized racism? Another problem, why is education, eloquence, and intelligence associated with being "white"? So this "racism against whites" is caused at the root by the legacy of white racism against blacks, and prevailing racist cultural attitudes that white people are smarter.
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