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Old 04-27-2011, 08:24 PM   #756
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Mr. Doobie, I just got both my nipples done on Monday and I think it did hurt, pretty bad but tolerable. My piercer was pretty good I think though, and got it done reasonably quick. The second one was worse than the first. I told myself "I got through child birth, I can get through this". And I did get through it. 48 hours later they're a bit sensitive to the touch still but I wouldn't say that it hurt so bad I'll never get anything pierced again.

If your girl friend deep down really wants to get it done then be there to support her through the process. But if she just wants to admire from afar, or through your piercings instead, then I think you should support that too. It's her body and although a piercing can be taken out, the scar tissue and memory of the time getting it done remains.
For the tree of life is growing where the spirit never dies
And the bright light of salvation up in dark and empty skies
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