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Old 05-27-2011, 05:07 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Renatus View Post
Shes the mother of an autistic, thats all many people need to hear these days unfortunately. People are scared of autism these days due to the ignorance spread by the media.
She's an idiot for clinging to false hope in the face of reality. She needs to embrace her son as he is. When we found out that both of my children were autistic I got flooded with advice from well-meaning, but misguided people about how McCarthy had 'cured' her son of autism. Instead of trying to figure out how to help her son live with autism she tried to find a cause and then a 'cure'. They may one day discover that there is something in the environment that causes autism. Personally, I think it's just genetics and people need to do the work to help their kids live their life with it.

I can understand the lure of trying to find a cure. It is a grueling task raising autistic children. The fantasy of being able to just wisk it all away with some special diet or cleansing process so that you can raise a normal child(who doesn't need specific routines, schedules and medication) probably overpowers some people's common sense. They need to suck it up and deal with it, though.
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