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Old 05-31-2011, 08:31 PM   #13
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 132
Med school is actually crazy hard to get into, props to your friend for even trying. I'd probably never set my sights that high, but then again I wouldn't want to be a doctor. Something about putting my hands in stranger's cavities doesn't sit right with me.

Only one prof? There must be little demand for it. If I was going to take a second language it would be either Greek or German.

There are only two of you there? That sounds harsh. Yeah, a lot of places only go training in September. Originally I went to see if planned parenthood needed anyone, but they don't offer orientation in the summer. I'll have to remember where that is. Forgetting a tampon is always the worst.

I remember seeing a sign for that workshop. No one wanted to go with me and I didn't want to go alone. xD I know, very brave of me.

I'm glad I was cool enough not to rant at. The real question is what do you have against males who are interested in Norse mythology?

Since you listen to them, you should recommend me some of their best songs.

Also, thanks. :]

My favorite kind of tea is probably Earl Grey or Chai. Recently though I've been drinking a lot of white pear tea.

How about you, have a favorite?
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