Thread: Legalize It....
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Old 06-18-2011, 07:03 PM   #7
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Actually, I think the best argument I've heard against legalizing it was an article I read once that pointed out legalizing marijuana would only serve to destroy pot culture. Once it becomes legal, pot will become just another corporation, taxed to death like tobacco, and small time dealers will be all but dead. You won't be able to have a personal relationship with your dealer, and whatever corporations take over the game will be passing out an overpriced, shit product (probably cut with all kinds of nasty shit like they do with cigarettes).

Legalizing it would be nice, but I am a little scared of what would happen after it's legal. Sure it would take the gangs and all the negative stuff out of it, but it might also suck all the positive aspects out of it.
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