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Old 09-10-2011, 12:08 PM   #2982
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My cherries have finally produced offspring and they're SO SWEET! They're also really tiny at the moment so I can't even take a picture of them. They're about... 4 mm long approximately. I have no idea how many there are, I counted six but it could be fifty something for all I know. The tank has a branch covered with a pile of Java moss, and the majority will most likely be hiding in there where I can't see them.

ALSO, I have 6 new fish ! ^_^ Hi-fin Platys, 5 of which appear to be male, and one female who will no doubt end up sexually harassed somewhat. There are two coconut caves in the tank though so she can hide from their amorous attentions. Plus I won't get overrun with babies as my angelfish will snack on any it can catch quite happily.

I can avoid too much inbreeding by swapping any surviving babies with my aunt, who also has Platys
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