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Old 09-14-2011, 11:11 AM   #58
ape descendant
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Location: Smexyville, Colorado
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Hmm, this is an adorable little question of etiquette. From what I understand you're still with Evil Girlfriend and attempting to date Girl You Met at Party on the sly, to try her out for fit before you split with E.G.

I think there's a bigger problem to deal with before you even worry about how to ask Party Girl out to a concert. Perhaps you should deal definitively with E.G. first... perhaps get out of that before you get mired into a situation that could end in tears all around.

I mean, if E.G. thinks you guys have a "live together" sort of relationship, she may go a little ape-shit if she finds out that you're seeing other lady-folk.

I'm pretty sure that any "balls-growing" should start with this pretty little conundrum. If you don't want to be dating E.G. perhaps you should let her know so that she may get on with her life, and maybe find some one who actually appreciates her and wants her around, instead of being fooled into staying with a gutless little snipe who's afraid of being single.

P.S.: After having read the rest of the thread, I understand that what I'm saying is rather redundant, and that any discussion of tickets is rather pointless. I think that my bit is still valid, none the less.

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