Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 09-29-2011, 07:42 PM   #6492
Ben Lahnger
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Son of a bitch. My car started overheating today. (#ifitsnotonethingitsanother) ... I checked the oil, it was good. I let it cool off, checked the radiator, seemed low so I added the quarter jug of radiator fluid I had left, then refilled it a quarter with water and added that. Started driving home and in short order it started over-heating again. Then it pinned the needle past "hot" and started losing power, so I pulled off the highway. When I rolled into a Denny's parking lot, it started smoking.

So I called roadside assistance and had it towed to my garage ... again.

1) I've used up my roadside assistance. No more tows, jumps or other assistance until April of next year. Guess I'll have to price AAA's roadside package.

2) I can't afford any more repair bills. Hell, I can't afford what it's going to cost in mass transit costs to get to the garage tomorrow. Assuming they can fix it. Hopefully cheaply.

3) Something is going to have to give. Rent. Food. Gas. Which can I not pay. FML.

My company offered me a position managing our store in Montgomery, which is about 45 miles from here, but would pay the amount I was originally hired at (PLUS probable bonuses) back before my pay was cut, which would allow me to get out of the hole pretty soon ... if I can only freaking get there.

I may be taking a lot of prized possessions to the pawn shop tomorrow.

And it seems like nothing I am going through is as painful or difficult as what MissCheyenne is going through, but I needed to bitch about it somewhere.


MissCheyenne, words fail me. I really can't imagine. I guess when she can't remember, it's up to you to remember for both of you. I hope you find courage and strength when you need them most. Once again, you are in my thoughts.
Lead me not into temptation ... follow me, I know a shortcut!

As the poets have mournfully sung,
death takes the innocent young,
the rolling in money,
the screamingly funny,
and those who are very well hung.

Your days are numbered - 26,280 per person on average - 2,000,000,000 heartbeats ... tick, tick, tick
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