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Old 10-11-2011, 02:19 AM   #122
x-deviant-x's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Kasdeja View Post
That's why I wasn't sure if it was in the KJV or a different version of the bible...
Originally Posted by Alan
It's not in any fucking version of any fucking bible.
Lilith comes from Hebrew mythology. She was Adam's first wife. Eve was his 3rd, possibly 4th wife.

Lilith was made from earth, just like Adam, therefore she saw herself equal to him and refused to be subservient so she left the garden and went to the banks of the red sea where she cavorted with demons and produced Lilin - demon babies, all female, as many as 100 or more per day. God's angels destroyed most of her offspring in order to punish her for refusing to obey god's will. In turn, she cursed Adam's male descendants. This is why Jews put a coin with the 3 angel's names over the mouths of newborns. (Don't know if they still do that, but they used to.)

The Hebrew bible is virtually the same as the christian's old testament. it's all based on mythology. only difference is the parts religions choose to believe is true vs the parts they don't.

Many ancient cultures have a similar creation myth regardless of the predominant religion of that region today.
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