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Old 10-12-2011, 10:47 AM   #132
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by x-deviant-x View Post
I have to disagree with you there, unless you can provide a viable source for this. Otherwise it seems largely an opinion. References to lilith date back as far as Sumarian writings. While some sources have been speculated to be misrepresentations of her, others are pretty clear. You also have to keep in mind too, that the term Lilith is often used as both a name for an individual and a term which describes spirits and entities, usually of a demonic form. In some instances Eve and Lilith are used interchangeably, more or less, as Adam named her Eve. I would say this lends to a lot of the confusion.
I'm sorry, you have an earlier source than the Alphabet of Sirach that references her as Adam's wife? there's my reference, where's yours?

Some stories claim she was the separation of Adam, as when he was first created he was neither male nor female but instead both, until God (or God's servants perhaps) separated the masculine and feminine essences, while others state that she was formed separately and in the same fashion but with somewhat different materials. Adam from the dust of the earth, while Lilith from the muck and putridness of it, thus representing the evil or darker energies of the earth.

There comes a point where "fact" has to give way to opinion due to lack of information and so much history being lost, or never found, through the ages. But a lot more has been discovered in recent years where some names tend to show up a lot more, requiring the old ideas of what was and was not, to be updated.
New sources? Did Dan Brown write about her? CITATION NEEDED.
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