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Old 10-26-2011, 05:09 AM   #4213
wolf moon
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 272
It's a very me-specific sort of excitement. Which is probably why the person who sent me the site was so eager for me to see it - hyper-nerdy-cupcake-lovers are few and far between. It's exciting because it's a new and different Lorem Ipsum, which is neat because the old standard stuff is boring and ubiquitous. And it's exciting because it's dessert-themed, which makes it freaking adorable. Adorable things in the computer/design-nerd-world are few and far between, and therefore must be treasured. Ironically, I would not get excited by a literal dessert sitting in front of me, as I don't eat sugar and find them sorta yucky. I just like the concept and adorableness of tiny frosted desserts. I even have a cupcake tattooed on me.
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