Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 10-28-2011, 06:59 AM   #6605
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Originally Posted by wolf moon View Post
Please don't presume to speak for all women. I take full responsibility for the give-and-take balance within my marriage. Perhaps because of this, it's pretty damn even. I take serious offense to being lumped into a group of women who keep house after a man while bitching about it as though they weren't making a choice to do so. If it makes you happy, by all means, go for it. If it doesn't, it's your responsibility to make a change. If it doesn't, and you won't - don't assume all women choose the same way. I'm with V on this one.
In my opinion, you can't change someone else. A person can only change themselves. The only thing you can change is to walk out of a relationship, but walking out of one because they aren't doing the housework seems a little superficial, to me.

Here in Australia there is a huge percentage (can't remember the stats but it is like 70-80%) of men who would rather look after the kids than do extra housework and that the majority of housework is still done by the majority of women in Australia. So while these stats aren't universal for all women in all relationships around the world, it is this way for the majority of women in relationships in Australia.

Versus Wow I never realised American guys were so domesticated.

You should come over to Australia and teach our men how to clean houses and share 50/50 in the housework, without the guys having to be asked/nagged. So driven to be house proud - it's admirable... or are you just trying to keep up with the Canadians?

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