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Old 11-11-2011, 12:13 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Versus View Post
What are your thoughts, Sternn?
It's the same cycle that has been going on since Vietnam. The US government does not care about the troops. When they are no longer on the battlefield, the quality of care they receive drops to almost nil.

It reminds me of what the same conservatives do to unborn babies. Before they are born, they spend hundreds of millions of dollars and put tens of thousands of man hours into saving them. The minute they leave the womb the same people could care less about them, and pull any resources that could help the exact same person.

Same with the military. While on the battlefield they get the best medical care and access to the best resources money can buy. Once thats over, they don't want to hear from you, and God forbid you don't have a family to claim your remains as they will just chuck you in a landfill and move on.

The hypocrisy is astounding. Why anyone would support such politicians is beyond me sure.

Then there also is the issue with the training and how they do it in America. Compared to military training elsewhere in the world, it still stands alone. There is a lot less breaking down of individuals in the European military, less situations where the person is made to feel belittled. The chain of command still exists, but without the same stranglehold on the power structure. This method of training will inevitably lead to criminal activity within certain individuals due to the aspects which it instills.

Then there is the isolation. To keep up public support for wars these days the US government pretty much invokes a media blackout. A few stories here and there, but for the most part the average America is shielded from what is happening. They don't see graphic images, they don't see coffins coming home. The average America is not asked to sacrifice anything and the whole ordeal with a few limited exceptions is deleted from the public view. That creates a whole new set of psychological issues for troops, knowing their service is being intentionally removed from society, like what they are doing is somehow wrong or that the average America might not agree with their mission if they actually knew what was happening on the ground.

Improper training combined with a complete lack of caring and such isolation leads to what we are seeing now and have been seeing for decades.

People snap, for good reason. I expect it to get much worse in the future as the middle class is being erased in America and that includes the troops and their families. Top off all I mentioned above with the fact many will come home to no jobs and their homes being taken from them and you set the stage for quite an explosive situation.
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