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Old 11-23-2011, 04:50 AM   #14
Miss Absynthe
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Originally Posted by Grausamkeit View Post
They would barely feel the syringe, unless the person wielding it just plain sucks. But then, I've been attacked by nurses who couldn't wield a needle to save their lives and that was on an unmoving target...

That's because when the patient is reeeeeeeeeally annoying we blunt the tip of the needle by banging it on a table a few times.

No... no, we nurses would never ever do anything as sadistic as that. We would just get the doctor to write you up for an enema.

No... no, we wouldn't. We would never do anything evil like that. We would just put laxatives in your pudding cup.

No... never ever would a nurse do anything like that. We would just swap your morphine with saline.

No... we would never... well, you get the idea.
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