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Old 01-07-2012, 06:11 PM   #6
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by Alan View Post
If someone can live better off through welfare than with a full time job, that's not an indictment against welfare, it should be an indictment against capitalism.
Why the hell would someone want to work to earn LESS in the market than what they are provided for by the government? They would effectively be paying to work. If the government can provide better than the market, why do people condemn the government instead of the market?
Bingo, I know a few people for whom this was the case, they got laid off from rather high paying work and their prospects were usually minimum wage, so they were like, "why wouldn't I use the EI I get and save up what I can?"

And I find it hilarious when people are like "ON MY TAX DOLLARS." There's a lot more worse things to be outraged by. The exuberant lifestyle of politicians? Retired politicians collecting millions in pension? Billions poured into the military and war? Millions wasted on abstinence only sex education? 37 billions dollars owed in child support, with those children going without having to rely on social assistance?
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