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Old 01-11-2012, 12:56 AM   #8
x-deviant-x's Avatar
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Originally Posted by CptSternn View Post
I wouldn't even classify it as being lazy.

Here in Europe if you want to change careers, the government will pay for training. You can leave your job and go back to college. During this period you can legally get social welfare. It's the same all over Europe, Scandinavia, and Australia.

Some people aren't lazy, they just hate their boring, meningeal job. With proper education and training that person can become a productive, tax paying member of society. Too bad in America they don't offer such safety net for everyone there.
President Nixon wanted to do that in the 1960s to help people get off of welfare but everyone claimed he was horrible for wanting such a thing and just hated poor people. Now that the average college degree in the US costs $70 to $130K and many college grads are still unemployed, because college is big business in the US but the number of degrees can't keep up with the job market, which means billions of federal and private student loan money is in default with no hope of it ever actually being repaid (private student loans are federally insured, which means if the student doesn't pay it, the government does).

So what happens when everyone is on welfare cause they just don't want to work, or because they get more money and benefits being on welfare than they do actually working? Who pays the welfare check then?
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