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Old 02-24-2012, 03:33 PM   #4410
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by honeythorn View Post
Seriously over here they do NOT go the fuck away unless you do something to force them. Their door knockibng and pushy preaching and leaflet distribution, has occasionally been literally borderline harrassment in some cases. They usually turn up at around teatime as well, when most people have their evening meal.

Now... if it's a jehova custom to not eat at that time, that's fine, but they should respect the very well known fact that a LOT of other people are eating their evening meal at about 5-6 pm. To start knocking on doors and proselytising is rude in i's own right ( it makes me murderous ) , to do it when people are trying to have dinner is inexcusable.

And to fucking prey on old people? No.
I would think they do it BECAUSE its tea time, what better way to catch a British person off guard than when they are consuming nice warm caffeine, while not consuming food at serious enough of a pace to be considered a full blown meal? Dinner time would fall under a similar slightly less effective target time. By doing so they catch you when you're most likely not busy, and most likely to have no polite reason to send them away, forcing you to either listen or be impolite and shoo them away.
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