Thread: i suck.
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Old 04-04-2012, 03:11 PM   #34
Angelic Dissonance2
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Posts: 237
Do you suck... at sucking?

If I suck on you, do you suck back? Or do you suck at being sucked on...?

Tony Hawk sucks at skating. He sucks at skating in the past, where he got all pissed off about it and just kept practising and made up his own moves. Now he's a multi-million dollar franchise.

Now YOU can be a multi-million dollar franchise, too! For just two easy payments of $19.99*, I'll send you my revolutionary advice pamphlet, entitled 'Easy Money For Nothing, by ThePresidentOfTheBankOfNigeria@**********', which covers the ground-breaking CGI video footage of Dire Straights in the Eighties, as well as guitar tabs! WIth this information, people will be filling your hat with dollar bills and soda caps in no time!
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