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Old 04-17-2012, 08:35 AM   #1
boundandchained's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Georgia, USA
Posts: 1
I'm boundandchained, and I can't title threads well.

Hi! I've just been perusing the internet these few days, and I feel like I might really like your site. I'm really terrible at intros, so let's see what's not covered by your handily provided questions...

1. What do you do? I'm a student, currently an English major, music minor. Not currently employed, which is making me a little crazy at this point. Things I like to do? Larping is my newest obsession, I'd say. Yep, it's really nerdy, but I like it and I've met a lot of great people there, so I'm not quitting anytime soon. Other than that... sewing, reading, listening to and playing music (most anything except smooth jazz; viola and piano).

2. Where are you from? Georgia, USA. Woo the South! Or something.

3. Who is your favorite author? My usual answer is Diana Wynne Jones, but I read a bit of this and that, so I like a lot of folks. I'm trying to read more classics, but that doesn't always work out.

4. What are your favorite films? Sense & Sensibility ('95), Wuthering Heights (Ralph Fiennes), Requiem for a Dream, so many.

5. What music do you want played at your wedding? Anything besides Pachelbel's Canon? I wouldn't be unhappy if I could sneak some Apocalyptica in there. (:

6. At your funeral? I really had a song for this at one point, but damn if I didn't forget.

7. This IS a gothic website, so... how do you want to die? In my sleep, or by my own hand.

8. What kind of casket would you want? Dark wood, not typical...?

9. What's your FAVORITE outfit? Of my own? Hmmm. I feel like it might be my prom dress--a gold brocade Victorian (costume) dress my mom made. I love it. But if you're looking for an everyday sort of thing... Aiee. Whatever makes me feel good that day? Today it's a black sweater, burgundy skirt with black lace, tights and boots. /:

10. What's one thing you miss about being a little kid? NOT CARING/WORRYING. Ugh.

11. What's your favorite band? Apocalyptica.

12. What kind of education do you have? What is/was/will be your major? Some college, English (used to be music education). Major could change again, but who knows.

13. Why did you join? Today's specific reason? I'm hoping I can find some solution to wearing sunscreen but not smelling like I'm wearing sunscreen. Long term? I want to nurture this bit of myself, which I think is rather more than just a "bit."

14. If the first 13 questions didn't give it away. What is your gender? Female.

So, actually, that covered a fair bit I guess. (Also I can be long-winded?) And I have class in negative three minutes. So, I'll go (oh no title!) and if you want to know more, ask.

So, erm, hi.
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