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Old 05-04-2012, 08:41 AM   #7
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 8
I suffer from Aspergers so idk I just come off as annoying as fuck and so it's really hard for me to keep relationships, especially if i fuck up because i just don't know how to handle it. I come as an obtused retard.

I just have this intuition that what i did was wrong. My complete liberal self totally contradicted myself by treating a women like shit when i don't belive in that. I desrespected her and treated her like shit because i was angry and selfish. I mean i'm only 19, and she's 29, so everyone is telling to lay off and give it a rest becuase I'm young and dumb, but it's just nagging at me.
I saw her today while getting coffee and we passed each other and i just ended up cracking and telling her how horrible i felt and how sorry i was, how it was all my fault. She looked at me all perplexed. I was totally upset

I'm such a dumb fucking ****** asshole. I really admire her. She's extremely beautiful, different and very free thinking which i like. She's very antithetical to most of the people we're around, most of the sheeple.

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