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Old 05-12-2012, 09:41 PM   #45
Join Date: Oct 2005
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SPOILER, so previously Wonder Woman's origin was that her mother made her out of clay and prayed to the gods to bring the baby to life, which they did. Wonder Woman was sent to the world of man to bring Amazonian values to it. Paradise Island was, well, paradise and a utopia occupied solely by immortal women.

Now, it turns out the clay story was a lie, her mother was actually impregnanted by Zeus. And I could handle that, much as I loved the clay story. BUT THEN she runs into Hephaestus who tells her that the Amazons reproduce by getting on ships, seducing men in their ships, then killing them and throwing them overboard. They go back, give birth and only keep the female babies, the males they sell into slavery to Hephaestus to work for him in the forge.

I get what they're going for, making her more Greek instead of utopic, but it just rots me. Of COURSE a society of women will be evil, right? And if the Amazons are actually that horrible, what's the point of her mission? How did she ever not know that? Wouldn't they have expected her to do the same? Wouldn't she NOT have been the only kid growing up on Paradise Island? ARGH.

I'm hoping the next writer will just reveal that Hephaestus was lying to fuck with Wondy. It IS a little odd that he wants to help her out of the goodness of his heart.
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