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Old 05-19-2012, 08:14 AM   #12
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: St. Louis, Mo
Posts: 16
"Instead, the USA is being transformed by immigrants who do not share those values, and who have high rates of illiteracy, illegitimacy, and gang crime"

Kind of like the original immigrants who came here and didn't speak or read any of the native languages, went around promiscuously with the native women but wouldn't claim the children, and then put groups together to eradicate the natives so they could take their land. What's that saying....what goes around comes around. You should never be angry about the example you and yours set, though I guess you can be afraid that people will use it as a building model.

That being said. I very much doubt what they seem to hope for will actually happen. Truth is, whites are one of the minorities of the world, it's just that America has always been ignorant of it. It's nice to see how the rest of the world looks start to penetrate this country. I hope that it does bring change and people will learn to accept this as a good thing, not fear it and bring about hatred and violence like has been done so in the past.
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