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Old 05-20-2012, 01:44 PM   #79
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Mother's side of the family is welsh, Father's side is presumably scottish as his surname ( and therefore my immediate family's ) is scottish .

However, I don't see the point in going around saying I'm half this, quarter that and a 10th whatever. It's more than a bit ridiculous and pointless unless you have real life connections with those areas and family in them. For all I know I could have a millionth of Czech in my genetics somewhere, I don't go exclaiming I'm partly eastern european.

One could say most of the population of europe has a fair bit of Scandanavian genes in them as the vikings were one of the most widely travelled/spread groups of people imaginable way back when. No one gives a shit wether they do or not.

I'm English. I was born in England. Job done.
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