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Old 05-28-2012, 03:58 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by Timeless Rebellion View Post
Dear Fruitbat, Lifeblood of Heroes.

Please do not throw any cream pies at me as I have no one to lick the cream off of me.
Furthermore, your Crankybat Form sounds like a valuable addition to our arsenal, and I wish to know if you can harness this power on commaned.
Does 24 hours work for you instead of the 12?
We will need to save the world if need be.

- Timeless Rebellion, the Vanquisher of Death.
Dear TRVD, (too lazy to even cut and paste your title)

I'll be ready when I'm ready, and I hate waiting around for things. Crankybat is very valuable but you should be warned that I won't put up with anyone's shit during periods of crankybat and I'll swear like a sailor and don't put sharp objects in my hands. Actually it's best to walk away, backwards, keeping your eyes on me and don't expect any conversation, because it will be full of naughty words and a few not so naughty ones said with the same inflection as naughty ones.... and yet I would describe myself as a morning person... strange.

Although crankybat used to be a lot more crankier when I was younger, because it was matched with a temper that had a long fuse but a very intense burst at the end of it, which got me in a few sticky situations.... Now I just laugh and do something silly, because getting mad, angry or worried envelopes a person in negative energy and I'm over having that around me.

MOC Crankybat and grumpy cow should meet one day. it would be hilarious. WE'd be like
"don't talk to me,"
"No, don't talk to me!"
"No, don't talk to me!!"

Then I'd say something silly like "You are so cute when you're mad", and you'd think I was crazy and either snap out of it, or run away - but at least you'd be out of your grumpycow mood, maybe :-D

"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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