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Old 06-02-2012, 11:57 AM   #30
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Don't fall for his bullshit just because he presents a completely false summary of his side of the fight. Look for the thread called Sex Industry.
You will see there that his whole argument was "some women are not oppressed by being prostitutes, therefore there is nothing wrong with prostitution anywhere."

Look at how you even said it. "Most sex worker activists are feminists" Most sex worker activists. But you know damn well that most sex workers aren't activists, most sex workers in the world fall into that line of work for circumstances completely out of their control. And if you know enough to make the distinction and talk about sex worker activists then you know their precise point is to provide greater security and autonomy to sex workers because it's still a very violent, dangerous, and male-oriented industry. You know that they do not find empowerment in the job they do - they are the ones who decide to empower themselves and others in their line of work.

And Elystan is an example of that male gaze. His desire to talk about the sex industry wasn't fueled for the desire to empowerment or change. He thinks they're all already empowered because by his own admission he believes "money is empowerment, therefore shouldn't they already feel empowered as is?' He's alright with how things are; he has no problem talking down with former sex workers in this forum or other feminists (both women and men) who HAVE worked in the sex workers rights movement. That's because he only wanted a justification for being a john. It was never for the sake of the worker, it was for the sake of him as a consumer, as a john.

And wanna know how pathetic and whiny he's about it? The goddamn thread was created in SEPTEMBER of last year
And he still won't let it go because god forbid he's just wrong and there might be people in the world who have more knowledge about this shit than he does - probably because unlike him, their values are shaped by direct experience instead of idle and detached principles and a desire to be right.

You fell into a trap that idiots in forums always do. They rehash old fights because they refuse to apologize; they paint a completely false idea of what the argument was about, and hope to win over new members to their side because they weren't there to see how much of a dipshit the dude was.
Don't fall into that. Take the time to read how stupid Elystan's opinions are.
Originally Posted by KissMeDeadly
You fucking people [war veterans] are only a step below entitled rich kids, the only difference being you had to do and witness horrible things, instead of being given everything.
real classy
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