Thread: Viva Colombia?
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Old 06-28-2012, 10:48 AM   #17
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He explained in detail over MSN. I can only comment based on the info I am given , and in the way it was given. I have given you no detailed info on my family, so no, you can't comment. Ren has told me of the situation on MSN, in more detail than on here.

The way he described it to me, and as he has also mentioned in this thread, is that his relatives pretty much decided he should go there ,and made rudimetary arrangements with his Colombian relative behind his back. They have given him this massive choice to make in an extremely short space of time. It's a big opportunity and also a big risk .

The way he described it to me, made it seem as though they were thinking less about what the benefits were for him, and more about the fact they weren't impressed with his progress in the US with regards to finding a job and generally getting on with life, and wanted to pack him off to Colombia for a year so they don't have to put up with it. It's bordering on some sort of weird little ultimatum.

The being at the mercy of the relative thing I brought up is valid. He could well have a serious falling out with someone there over the course of that year ( though of course one would hope not ) and if he has no savings already, and the relative decided they wanted him to go back home, he'd have to make his own way somehow ( unless they did the decent thing and paid for a ticket )

If anything that was my second concern. What if it doesn't work out? Have you got enough saved cash to get yourself back home? Enough already to support yourself independently of this work on the relative's farm? If the answer to that is no, then I would consider such a situation as a serious sticking point. He would be nearly totally dependent on the relative for money, food, housing, everything.

This only furthers my doubts as to the motives of his family in the US. They want him to make the decision to pack up his life and move there in under a week, for a year with no means to support himself but his Colombian relatives? I've no doubt they're great people but all the same, they will have control over where he stays on the farm, how much he gets paid for what he does, what days he can have off, everything pretty much.

This is the crux of the thing. He could go there and have a great experience, and learn loads of new skills, a new language, see a bit of the world. Or it could all go horribly wrong and not work out, and he could end up stuck there with no means of support , trying to get home.
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