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Old 06-29-2012, 08:47 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 6
you know what really irks me

Is when I'm talking to someone and they don't say words correctly . I'm not perfect , but come on people . Proper grammar was one of the first things we learn in school . There's this one word in particular that gets me . Knobles , it should be pronounced " nobles " but I have heard quit a few people say it as " kuh-nobles " . Like wtf ?!?! No you don't say the " k" its SILENT ! Another thing that pisses me off , is when people use big words to make themselves sound smart . However , when they use it incorrectly it just makes them sound even stupider than they probably really are . I can't stand not being able to have a decent conversation anymore with people . I remember this one time I watched this movie and I consider it to be a scary movie . Its called " Idiocracy " , I haven't seen it in a while so I could have mispelled the tittle . Its kind of funny but more so scary because it really seems to depict the human population fairly accurately . Check it out for yourself and tell me I'm wrong .
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