Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 07-12-2012, 01:58 AM   #7582
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Originally Posted by Grausamkeit View Post
You can't come out to work "friends" most of the time. It's tempting to because you spend so much of your life and time with these people, but they are just co workers. I learned that recently discussing religion with a few coworkers. They will ignore every attempt at reasoning, especially when asked things like "How does hating other people make you a better christian when your savior told you to love EVERYONE like he loves you?" I wish that no one cared about things that are really none of their goddamned business in the first fucking place!

I'm sorry that your coworkers are also such bigots, hun.


Thanks Graus and everyone else I haven't had the chance to say that to. Strange how a bunch of strangers met over the internet always seems to make me feel better, whatever my issues are.

Reading my post though, I'm a bit embarrassed, because it was a quickly typed rant filled mostly with anger. Way to many mistakes in it. lol

They aren't really bigots, which is what bugs me. They are ignorant about the things they talk about and the way they talk about them. And, I can't correct them without giving away the fact that I actually know what I'm talking about because I have first hand knowledge. So I usually go ignored as the silly kid that wants the world to be better. Or some shit like that...
Caution, I may bite.
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