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Old 07-22-2012, 05:58 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 13
Nice to meet you all

Hello, people. I came looking for goth forums to share my likes and here I am:

1. What do you do? (Hobbies, job)

Writing, drawing, listening music, create 2D and 3D stuffs.
2. Where are you from?

3. Who is your favorite author?

By the moment, none
4. What are your favorite films?

There's a lot... but i Like Pixar movies, comedy movies, action movies.
5. What music do you want played at your wedding?

Liberatio - Krypteria
6. At your funeral?

Lost Fragments - Chrono Cross soundtrack
7. This IS a gothic website, so... how do you want to die?

8. What kind of casket would you want?

One based in catedral ornaments: very organic and curved ornaments
9. What's your FAVORITE outfit?

Black shirt and pants
10. What's one thing you miss about being a little kid?

Fellings i had back then, but not anymore
11. What's your favorite band?

12. What kind of education do you have? What is/was/will be your major?

Finished university
13. Why did you join?

To share likes about goth culture, specially poetry
14. If the first 13 questions didn't give it away. What is your gender?

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