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Old 07-29-2012, 05:42 AM   #3740
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: In the broken temple bells, in the ringing...
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I can do a pic of my hamster, but sadly it's actually against the law to take photos of the museum specimens. Not sure why that is, can't be because of light damage ( I think this is the case with some museum specimens and old paintings ect ) , the whole room has a big glass ceiling O.o

I also found it a bit odd that apart from the whole skeletons and few other pieces, pretty much every single jarred thing in there, and a whole shelf full of skulls, could technically be picked up and looked at since they were not behind any sort of glass or barring. Just sat on a shelf.

No joke if no one had been in there I could have stuffed a number of small foetus and lungs in jars in my pockets, popped a skull in my bra and just walked out. The lack of security is astounding. But I'm an honest woman so I didn't. Good job my brother wasn't there that's all I can say, they'd have lost half their stuff.

But since we couldn't even take photos I figured they'd probably be annoyed if I started manhandling 600 year old german and 1000 year old roman skulls.

I did give the stone roman sarcophagus halfway up the stairs a bit of a rub though ^___^
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