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Old 07-29-2012, 12:08 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by BourbonBoy View Post
CuckooTuli - I just can't see how anyone can get into this tripe. Yes, to each their own but if what the public is reading lowers the general IQ then serious questions do need to be asked. For instance a friend of mine was going on about 50 Shades and I recommended another erotica series. Her reply was, "How can you be close minded about 50 Shades?" Talk about a situation for an open facepalm.
Oh, totally - I guess I just judge the author's readers more harshly than the author herself, in a way. i mean, I write crap I know is crap, but if I blogged the biggest piece of cack I'd ever written and someone offered me monies for it, I'm not sure my broke ass would have the integrity to say no, was all's I really meant. None of this hippie schtick is intended to imply that I don't judge people on a personal level for their shitty taste, though; I totally do.

Mostly I just resent the way certain people seem inclined to use the massive success of books like this (and the Twilight series itself) as proof that women as a group are deficient and can be pegged into the mug-market. Crap totally dominates pop culture and these don't sound THAT much worse than plenty of the other shit out there IMO, yet because it's a "woman thing", lots of people of both sexes seem to be all "Ohhh come on ladies, sort it out!!" about it. I find this more noxious than the fact that someone made a fortune by writing a shitty book. But anyway, I was talking more about stuff I've seen on Facebook than anything in particular that's been said in this thread.

Originally Posted by Saya View Post
I felt no animosity for the author because, hey, all she did was write fanfiction. But then the racism in the book made me iffy (She made the Jacob character a Mexican who talks like Speedy Gonzales and of course he's a date rapist). And then she was tweeting about how Ana is a role model for women.
Jesus rollerblading Christ... okay, that's pretty special.
"Friends are allowed to make mistakes. The enemy is not allowed to make mistakes because his whole existence is a mistake, and we suffer from it. But the women's liberation front and gay liberation front are our friends, they are our potential allies, and we need as many allies as possible.” - Huey Newton
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