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Old 07-29-2012, 02:24 PM   #36
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by CuckooTuli View Post
Mostly I just resent the way certain people seem inclined to use the massive success of books like this (and the Twilight series itself) as proof that women as a group are deficient and can be pegged into the mug-market. Crap totally dominates pop culture and these don't sound THAT much worse than plenty of the other shit out there IMO, yet because it's a "woman thing", lots of people of both sexes seem to be all "Ohhh come on ladies, sort it out!!" about it. I find this more noxious than the fact that someone made a fortune by writing a shitty book. But anyway, I was talking more about stuff I've seen on Facebook than anything in particular that's been said in this thread.
Ooooooh man, I had a big rant about this last night on a comic book blog. A commenter said something to the effect that DC shouldn't cater to women because they can't write stuff like Twilight or 50 Shades Of Grey.

Funny thing about that is, women read way more then men, and the only genres where men outread women are history and biography. Only 20% of men apparently read fiction. We're as much responsible for good things becoming popular as we are for more crappy things becoming popular. We'll read just about anything! Its not hard to do, apparently, unless like in comics you go out of your way to insist its a boys only club because women's money apparently has cooties.
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