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Old 08-02-2012, 06:04 AM   #150
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Originally Posted by AshleyO View Post
So because Nolan didn't write the movie for the proles and have it where batman dies and the people reclaim Gotham from the clutches of a dictator; that it's fascist apologism? Super heroes ARE fascist. Green Arrow may not count.

Anyway; I find it hilarious that you guys seem to think the D-man over here is totes going to bat for the Batman when in fact, all he did was show that it wasn't full blown fascist apologism.

I happen to agree with him. Hell, he even pointed out that the movie was at times blatantly racist and sexist.

Plus, those weren't all regular citizens in those fights. Most of them were Black Gate prisoners. I can imagine if I was thrown in the slammer for petty crimes/non-crimes with a bunch of mafia gangsters, I'd be pretty pissed too in the event of a liberation and was set free.

Again, most of the good proles WERE IN HIDING.
Jeez, if the heading of that section is really all he can focus on to the exclusion of the points made right underneath it, I could define hyperbole (and maybe while I'm at it, explain that I don't literally think my 3 year old godson could write a more structured and well-written screenplay). But the fact is, there are elements of fascist apologism. How about presenting "we the establishment reserve the right to lie to the populus whenever we decide they can't handle the truth" as the stance of the good guys? Well-known feature of the totalitarian state that the movie's thesis completely romanticises and defends. Myth over truth is an incredibly dangerous political philosophy, and if you don't think so, I can only invite you to read lots of history. (Bring tissues; you will weep.)

Again, if you think "Fuck it, it's a good movie and I liked it anyway", awesome; I wouldn't agree with the 'good' part, but there are other movies I think are better written that I'd totes have this response to. But identifying fascist elements doesn't mean I'm trying to pretend there are NO left-leaning elements to the movie - just that I didn't think these were convincingly explored, and in fact I think that in his attempt to bring these in, Nolan betrays other, far less leftie and occasionally downright fascistic ELEMENTS of the film. I acknowledged in my response to Despanan that the leftie elements he mentioned do exist; I just thought they were flimsy, and were gradually subordinated to other, occasionally troubling concerns as the story unfolded.
"Friends are allowed to make mistakes. The enemy is not allowed to make mistakes because his whole existence is a mistake, and we suffer from it. But the women's liberation front and gay liberation front are our friends, they are our potential allies, and we need as many allies as possible.” - Huey Newton
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