Thread: Tes 5
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Old 08-29-2012, 11:50 AM   #34
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Technically, the vampire lord form is better than just a floating werewolf to be fair.

Off the top of my head, the things I can recall the VF doing is teleportation short range during combat by turning into bats, raising the dead, sucking the life out of people, walk slowly but have stronger melee, or fly quickly and cast magic, raise Gargoyals...

It's not exactly useless. And the werewolf transformation is pretty cool for various reasons as well. They did flesh those out. Though I'd agree I feel they may not have gone far enough.

Hearthfire looks fun. I mean, I'll get it obviously. I like the idea of building a house from scratch in Skyrim. There's a lot of useful things the house you build can actually do, but I agree with the uselessness of the cooking thing.

Shouldn't cooking give a slight XP experience to your alchemy skill at least? Shouldn't the food you make give you certain status effects? Imagine playing as an alchemist who cooks poisonous food and just leaves bowls of poison porridge in a mark's house just to find out they died after eating it a couple hours later.

I agree with you though. There's so much crap they COULD have done that would have seemed intuitive and obvious, but it's like they stopped short of doing something amazing.

I'll give you one that just drives me fucking nuts. How hard could it have been for them to create armor dyes? What if you didn't want black Daedric armor but instead, you wanted red or white? Why offer at least 6 variants of fur armor yet you make no variations for other kinds of armor such as leather or hide or even dragonbone or what have you? There's this one leather armor a woodelf is wearing in the loading screens that YOU CAN NOT GET IN THE GAME and the design is so dope because it's the leather armor without those annoying giant pauldrans on the shoulders. It's fucking brilliant.

Matter of fact; why isn't there something cool like a dying system in the first place? Surely it couldn't have been that difficult to implement.

And the skin tones. Why not AT LEAST introduce that kind of skin toning that so many other games offer like the 256 color pallet so that you could create skintones that are either darker or much lighter than offered? It would be interesting to create an albino character for example. And for obvious reasons, it would be interesting to make very very dark complected characters as well.
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