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Old 08-30-2012, 03:59 PM   #11
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You bring up a very valid point, Versus. I agree that I feel that the state in the US is literally too powerful and the system itself is almost to the point of not being fixable.

And then it gets even weirder. Take Greece for example.

I'll call it. WHY THE FUCK is the silent majority of Greece not hunting down and executing every single Golden Dawn member and sympathizer? They are going around murdering non-whites left and right and they occupy 7% of the seats in Greece's government. They said that after they were done with the immigrants, they were coming after the homosexuals next. And yet I'd not heard of a single thing about counter fighting and anti-fascist violence. Apparently, 50% of the police in Greece are sympathetic to the Golden Dawn. At least from this article I read.

"Women hold up half the sky" -Mao

"God always picks the strangest things to get angry about. Get an abortion or gay married and he'll aim a tornado right at you.

Rip off a million poor people and Wall street has no problems. " -Rebecca B
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