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Old 08-30-2012, 07:25 PM   #16
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Didn't someone burn down the Golden Dawn offices or something? And there have been protest marches against them but I don't know the numbers. But yeah, disturbing to know how much the police voted for them.

Anyway, the Cracker von Patriarchs of the world do understand the politics of divide and conquer. I was talking about this on facebook a bit earlier, about how lesbianism has been hijacked by patriarchy to the point where if you're a queer woman, odds are you're going to be accused of only being interested in women to appeal to men, (particularly if you're femme, I should have added, some of us try to avoid it by *looking* more queer and butch), you're just bi-curious, its not serious, you can't be a gold star lesbian now. And the LGBTQ movement internalizes that and we oppress each other in the end. And then you got white gay people who are all like "BLACK PEOPLE ARE SOOOOO HOMOPHOBIC AND THEY PASSED PROP 8 THEY OPPRESS US", you know, like black queers don't exist or are far more likely to suffer from violence at the hands of homophobes and transphobes.

You know I can go on and on about this, but what I'm trying to say is the left really needs to get its shit together, recognize the divide and conquer tactic, deconstruct privilege and truly become intersectional. I'm sick and tired of lefist groups who don't care about sexism or racism, sick and tired of racist and transphobic feminists, sick and tired of oppression from people who should know fucking better.
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