Thread: Atheism+
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Old 09-06-2012, 04:18 PM   #42
Join Date: Feb 2008
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Originally Posted by AshleyO View Post
Why do YOU think this is weird? Would it have been better for her to say nothing of the situation? Would you deem that far more appropriate because YOU can shrug off odd encounters far more easily than she can?
"The situation" was literally being asked for coffee after hitting the bar at a convention, and refusing. To even make this into some kind of controversial event we have to invent all kinds of salacious details like "what if she had been drunk!" - well, if she had been drunk, then it would have been an entirely different situation. I'm not talking about that hypothetical, I'm trying to wrap my brain around why this girl being asked for coffee and telling someone no is an event worthy of polarizing a community of atheists. It's fucking bizarre.

It isn't inappropriate of her to make youtube videos where she talks about her feelings and how she personally feels about being talked to in elevators.

I think it's weird to fixate on why it is totally unacceptable to speak to someone at a convention, where you ostensibly have some kind of common ground with your fellow attendees and speakers. Especially when "the situation" was defused by saying "no." Done, the end.
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