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Old 09-12-2012, 06:09 PM   #8
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I actually kind of like Romney

Reason being he wasn't - and I'm sure isn't - this ultra right wing candidate that wants to end all medicare and fuck the poor and give tax cuts to the rich. He was just forced to become a caricature against his own will, if he wanted to have a chance at becoming a presidential candidate. He had to compete with idiots like Bachmann, Santorum, and Paul, and now he has to make sure Ryan doesn't outshine him, because in contemporary conservative politics it's not sensibility that makes someone great, but stubbornness and hatred. He reminds me of Pierre Delacroix in Bamboozled; not because there's a direct parallel, but because I feel they traveled the same line of flight in their own plateaus.
I like when he stumbles and 'flip flops', but not due to how most people who oppose him derive pleasure from his gaffes. Every time he stumbles, I remember how relatively moderate he was. People accuse him of being a flip flopper, but what I see is instead an old man trying to juggle his political stance with the need for respect in a changing political party. His type of Republicanism is old news, and I want to believe that makes him sad every day, and he has a hard time swallowing his own bullshit, because the saddest part is that in this case what is old and dying is the pragmatic approach, the Nixonian 'silent majority', in favor of the paradoxical abomination that is young people becoming proud of being reactionary and elitist.
Originally Posted by KissMeDeadly
You fucking people [war veterans] are only a step below entitled rich kids, the only difference being you had to do and witness horrible things, instead of being given everything.
real classy
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