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Old 09-23-2012, 08:54 PM   #123
Join Date: Oct 2005
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I almost feel like to give you the benefit of the doubt we'd have to back up to really basic sociology/anthropology shit. So you that aside from the legal system, there's a lot of bias around classism that allows people to get away with shit they shouldn't? Or there's an awful lot of people who support things like drug testing the poor? This is because our society is systematically classist. Its in every part of society and unless onself is poor (and even then, I know poor people who aren't on assistance but are very prejudice against those who are), chances are one absorbs all the classist rhetoric and repeats it and believes it. Not every poor person is against the system, and the reason for that is is because hegemony impacts everything, not just the legal system. There is no escaping it, and no such thing as being objective or neutral when it comes to social matters.

Well, its the same for racism. Actually, racism has a whole lot to do with classism (we believe the poor are lazy, and its just a coincidence that people of colour are disproportionately poor? Seriously?), but its just as insidious and rampant and inside all of us. Laws that are racist use supposedly colour blind language to hide the fact they are racist (such as Arizona's immigration laws, drug testing laws in Florida, voter purges during elections), its just apparently not racist as long as you don't explicitly say the race you're targetting. Targetting black youth? Say inner city kids. Targeting Latin@s? Say immigration reform.
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