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Old 10-08-2012, 07:49 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Saya View Post
I think the legacy of slavery in Ancient Greece is pretty well gone. You and I are not reaping the benefits of Greek slavery and pederasty.
So it's okay to use the term "slave" if there's been significant time? What's the expiration date? If I wait a few more years can I call what the Church did to those women slavery? Can someone in Russia call what was done to those women Slavery? How about China?

That question is rhetorical btw. Your argument is an ad-hominem and you should feel bad about yourself for making it.

Many Magdalene sisters did leave, you know, their families would put them in there and they could take them out, or they could theoretically become of age and leave, although many didn't due to mental disability or being unable to survive outside the system.
Yes, or much more often, they died there and were buried in secret without even their real name.

Actually a large amount were adopted out, it wasn't necessarily hereditary.
So the ones that weren't adopted out, were they hereditary slaves?

As a white person that isn't my decision to make. I'm skeptical of my own outrage when I learned about this years ago and critical of my delayed outrage at indentured servitude in the US that continues in the prison system. I'm very quick to feel outraged for other white women and yet slow to recognize the oppression of PoC, and until I can get over that I'm not able to use terms that in our society are extremely racialized.
Jesus Christ Saya, that is a complete cop-out. One can make an objective judgement about whether or not someone's treatment meets a set of criteria. If they refuse to acknowledge other people who meet that criteria it doesn't mean their first judgement was wrong, it just means they are inconsistent/hypocritical.

As to what goes on in the prison industrial complex, your initial lack of outrage doesn't invalidate your initial outrage: we as a society are conditioned to believe that folks in prison deserve to be there. Many people are not aware of the facts. You, like many others were suffering from a lack of information. It's silly to be skeptical about selective outrage as stress is subjective and there's really only so much rage to go around. We have evolved to tune out the stuff which effects us on a less personal level.
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