Thread: Eternal life.
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Old 11-06-2012, 04:31 AM   #889
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: UK
Posts: 232
you know it is within your lifetime? seriously? that is the exact sort thing matthew was talking about. the bible already determines that human time means very little to jehovah. after all to him a day is a thousand years and a thousand years is a day. so if you stick to your book you should not attempt to predict the return of christ within a thousand years. so you applying a definite deadline is falling into one of three categories, speculation, prophecy, or false prophecy. you have NO OTHER choices so which is it?

the bible clearly states that you should not predict the 2cnd coming, but you should live as if it were tomorrow.

it is also widely believed that the generation being referred to is isreal the nation not the people themselve so it is thought the passage means that isreal will not fall as a nation before the end times. not an actual human generation.

also if we are so close, where is our one world currency Revelation 13:15-18
(and no, credit cards are not an acceptable answer). also where is our one global government? (also rev 13) and once again no NATO is not an acceptable answer. i want my antichrist dammit.

oh and by the way your antipasto comment was frikkin hilarious one of the cleverest things you have written.

i love how evangelicals really latch on to all the vague signs and portents but just gloss over the rock solid clearly defined ones.

and back to your name. if you have been born again why are you clinging to your old self? especially as it could be damaging or confusing to those you wish to bring the word to?

from the very start of my perception of you i have seen you as a very devoted troll or a very very misguided youth. sadly for you neither of these are the christian persona you seem so desperate to portray.
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