Thread: I suppose
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Old 11-28-2012, 05:44 PM   #16
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by shadowynne View Post
Sweet mother of puck Its basic punctuation. It is not some advanced linguistic code. I was taught basic punctuation in grade school, so yeah, actually i did assume that a collage student with an interest in written language would recognize basic punctuation. (Comma splice).
I mean holy crap, i am an art major with a rampant disregard for spelling and grammar and have a better grasp of the language than you... You have fun with that career choice... Fuck me i hate people....
Those who live in glass houses and whatnot.

She's 18 and just starting her academic career. Also as long as she's understood, she does have a good grasp of the language and grammar, just not the academically acceptable kind of grammar that really isn't totally necessary on a gothic site that has abandoned all pretense of being a literary site. WE CAN STOP PRETENDING.

Plus, I don't think it was that she didn't understand what ellipses are, I just don't think she knows about the ten character limit and how you need to highlight it to see passive aggressive notes written in black.
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