Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 12-12-2012, 01:50 AM   #7874
Miss Absynthe
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Originally Posted by Solumina View Post
A letter from the "prostitute" or a letter from someone else who has decided that everyone must be warned about this scandalous woman?
A letter from some "Concerned Citizen" type who needs to warn us all about the Scandalous Woman living in our street.

Sex work is legal here, and as long as she isn't operating within x metres of a school (she isn't) or operating a brothel (she isn't) then it's pretty much the same deal as any other small business venture run from a private residence. So.. what she is doing is legal, what the person who wrote the letter is doing isn't legal.

It really worries me that this person's name, address and phone number were given out because it really heightens the risk of personal violence being levelled towards her.. both from people who decide that they don't want a sex worker in their neighbourhood, but also from the types who believe that ****** a sex worker is something akin to shop lifting.
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