Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 12-12-2012, 12:56 PM   #7880
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by Miss Absynthe View Post
I called her and went to her house to talk with her.. and gave her the letter and explained where we live in case anything happens and she needs help, my number and explained that I always have my phone with me, and then we talked about how she should journal everything in case the harassment gets worse.

Then we went and stole the other copies from people's mail boxes.

If she decides that she wants police involvement, then I'm more than happy to poke sticks at the cops and make sure that they listen to her.. but it's her decision. It's hard for sex workers to go to the police because of the amount of judgement that is directed at you instead of the cops just doing their jobs.
I wonder if there are any sex worker groups around or lawyer associations that might provide some legal counsel? Its awesome that you offered to help with the police, but I'd also contact a lawyer, especially if she doesn't particularly want to go to the police, at least not yet. If it keeps up, they'll be able to help her make it easier to deal with the police, such as the best ways to document evidence (because you know the police are going to be dicks about proof, and I'm a little concerned they might try to get her into trouble for "stealing" mail), or if the identity of "concerned citizen" is discovered, if a civil suit is an option.
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