Thread: Gun free zones
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Old 12-16-2012, 02:33 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by CptSternn View Post
That's what people don't seem to get. You can have a whole arsenal, but guess what? They have tanks and jets. FECKING JETS! How exactly is your handgun going to take down an army with attack helicopters, mini-guns, and feckin jets?

The lads at Waco had a metric shit-tonne of automatic weapons and shitloads of ammo...look how well that worked out for them?

Why anyone would say sacrifice their quality of life by investing in a huge arsenal of guns when they live in a run down flat with wood panel walls in a crap part of town with NO CAR, working hand to mouth at a low wage job just to pay layaway payments on a gun is beyond me.

*This is not directed directly at Deadman, but I'm sure some of that is relevant.

Take that money and go travelling! Buy a new large screen LCD TV! Buy a new laptop! Get a girlfriend and take her to the movies! Get married and take yer kid to Disneyland!

Sitting around by yerself in a dirty room full of guns with no friends and no love interest is no way to experience life. That's the reason there are mass shootings.
Mass shootings happen because of folks that can't handle their problems and don't want to / can't admitt their own faults.

And they are sick bastards that want to make others suffer.

Also the news media is responsable for endlessly going on about them instead of focusing more on the victims,and actual pre-ventive messures that will put an end to all of these shootings (why would they after all,because it means higher ratings and a distraction from what is going on in the political landscape)
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